Tuesday, September 21, 2010


After spending the weekend after the hail storm picking up the debris, and not nearly getting done, we decided we would do all  the repair work on the house, so on Saturday,  August 7, Darrell started putting the new filon on the back deck roof, he got all but 3 pieces put on by dark, it was really hot! He finished on Sunday, August 8, about noon. It looks so nice!

We decided we would start shingling the out buildings first, the detached garage, and then the two sheds. They brought the shingles Monday, August 9 and we started shingling that evening, and shingled every evening all week, we finished Saturday morning.


And then we moved onto the small shed, and then the larger shed, by 8:30 that evening the sheds were done!! We were pretty proud of ourselves.......4 roofs in 7 days, not too bad for folks in their 60s.


Now the child's play was over.....onto the house roof!! Darrell is taking Wed., Thurs., Fri., the next two weeks in order to get the house done.  So, on Wednesday, August 18, Marlee's 3rd. birthday, we started tearing off the shingles on B & T's side, at 6:30 a.m., we were done by 8:30, unfortunately all the shingles were on the ground and had to be loaded on the trailer. The shingles for the house were supposed to be delivered by noon, but they didn't get here until 4:30 in the afternoon.


By the time we got the shingles it was just too hot to shingle, so we had supper early and went out at 6 p.m. and shingled until dark, we got quite alot done. Started at 6:45 the next morning and shingled until 11, took load of shingles to the dump, had lunch, shingled until 2:30, it got too hot again, and quit until it cooled off from 5:45 to 8:00 and finished the half we started!!  Yaaaa!!  Half  Done!!  Darrell insisted I wear a safety jacket and was tethered to the roof.



We figured it took us 10  hours to do that side. Spent the rest of the weekend resting and getting ready for the next week of shingling. So, again on Wednesday morning, we started in again tearing off the other side of the roof, it was harder than the first for some reason and took us longer, not sure why, but we were able to put them right in the trailer, which saved alot of time.


We had the roof torn off and the Titanium down by the time we quit for lunch. We shingled from 1:45 to 3:15, but it just got too hot again, so we quit until it cooled off and went back out at 5:45 to 7:45, we got 2/3 done. We were both tired, but felt like we had accomplished alot. Started at 7:00 a.m. Thursday morning and finished that half by 11, except for the ridge. Darrell went out at 6 that evening and put the ridge on, it only took an hour. So, the house is done!!! All that is left is the garage, we tore the back half off on Sunday, August 29, one month after the storm, it took 2 1/2 hours to tear off and put the Titanium down. Darrell shingled Monday evening and finished Tuesdy evening.....Almost done!!!


We tore off the front half of the garage on Thursday evening, it went really good. Loaded shingles on trailer Friday evening, and took them to the dump on Saturday morning. Darrell shingled Saturday afternoon and finished on Sunday......we're done!!! With the shingling at least, still have alot of repair work to get done before the snow flies. During all this time everyday I picked up pine cones and branches and the pile just kept getting larger and larger.....
And became a gigantic pile!!! OH MY!!!! All this has to be hauled to the dump!!!