Monday, January 24, 2011


On Saturday, January 22, 2011 we had our first rummage sale of  the new year, our tenth since we started selling our belongings so we can go Fulltiming  later on this year. We rented a table at the Rapid Valley Methodist Church, this was our third time going out there. It was from 8:00 to 1:00 and we joined 5 other tables, it is held right in the church.

We set up the night before it  only took about an hour. I didn't take alot of my stuff, as you can see by the picture it was alot of tools, hunting and fishing stuff, alot of Darrell's "stuff". We got there Saturday morning about 7:30  and  we already had shoppers. We were so busy! We were able to sell alot of "stuff". The men just loved our table! They loved digging through the tools.

Darrell took quite a few jackets, a few hunting vests and we sold all of those, all that was left was the spring jackets, which we will take to the next one, hopefully in February, if we can get a nice day  for it. We took a pickup load plus stuff in the back seat and came home with a quarter of a pickup load.

The folks at the Church are very nice, and they had the most delicious cinnamon and caramel rolls and our customers were great. We recognized some from the other sales that we've had there. We made $336.25, the best we have done out there and we were very pleased!


After discovering in early December 2010, Heartland discontinued the Landmark Augusta floorplan, the 5th wheel I have been drooling over since seeing my first one in January 2008, we anxiously awaited the floor plan for the "new" Landmark, which was hailed as "Bigger & Better" than the Augusta. After seeing the two new floorplans, the Key Largo and pictures of the new San Antonio, we decided that we still wanted the Augusta. So, I started searching online for a dealer that still had Augustas. I found 3, one in Oklahoma, a 2010, which was a really good price, new, but almost 2 years old, one in Denver, Colorado, which was loaded with every option Heartland puts on Landmarks, and one in Dickinson, North Dakota. Darrell called  all 3 dealers, and we decided the one with the closest to what we wanted, was the one in Dickinson. Darrell dealt with Shane Johnson, at Roughriders RV, and after a little dickering, they agreed  on a price. Of course, we wanted to look at it before we bought it, but, at that time the temperature in Dickinson was 20 degrees below zero. We agreed we would come up as soon as possible, weather permitting. Shane said to just let him know a couple days ahead so they could bring the Augusta inside.  After looking at the weather forecast for Dickinson, we realized there wasn't going to be a nice day in the near future. So, on Thursday, January 20, 2011 with temperatures in the single digits, we drove the four hours to Dickinson. We took Maggie and Marlee with us in their nice warm crate, and they were very good! They had brought  the Augusta  in the day before, and she was all thawed out, warm and beautiful. Shane had to be gone for the day, so Rod Schaper, the owner,  took care of us. In the 3 years of talking to different folks about the Landmark, Rod was by far the most knowledgeable. He is very passionate about the Heartland products, and is an exclusive dealer of Heartland products. He posts his business philosophy right on the door as you walk in.  

He answered all of our questions, I asked him about the awnings over the slides, which is an option that this one doesn't have, and he said, he can't order them in with those, because the wind tears them off. So, then I was glad that this one did not have those. He told us to take our time and look her over good, he was in no hurry and the Augusta wasn't going anywhere. 

I didn't remember the Augusta having so much storage space, everywhere you look there is storage.

. The cherry cabinets are beautiful! And the stainless refrigerator with water in the door is quite large!!

And this is one of the reasons I fell in love with the Augusta floorplan. Of all the 5th wheels we have looked at, none had this extra countertop space!

The computer desk will be very convenient and love the electric fireplace to take the evening chill off. The Augusta interior colors  are so warm and welcoming. 

We've never had a King size bed, and this one seems  very comfortable. Darrell has already picked his side of the bed, of course it is the side with the little table for all his bedtime snacks! And there is even storage under the bed!

I was glad to see after looking a second time the bathroom has more storage than I remembered.

After nearly an hour of opening every drawer, cabinet, looking at every nook and cranny,  we decided that this  is the one for us and our lifestyle.

I'm confident we can be very comfortable in Gustow, and I can't stop smiling!

We told Rod we wanted  to buy it, so we put some money down on it and will come up to get it as soon as we can, weather permitting. They will fill it with water and check for leaks, order a new refrigerator door, I found a small dent, and check a bunch of other things out. When we come up again, we will have them put a fifth wheel hitch on the truck, and while that is being done, someone will walk us through the 5er (RV talk) and explain everything to us, Rod thinks it will probably take the 3 hours. We will spend the night and then come home the next day. Can't wait to get her home!!