Sunday, September 30, 2018

On the last day of July, Jan Miller a friend who worked with us in Westport in 2013 came for a short visit. We had lunch and spent a couple hours catching up, she lives a couple of hours away.

It was finally August!! Donna and Brian left August 12, I will miss Donna, she was a Southern gal, we ate Boiled Peanuts together.
Maggie was drinking more and more water and  not eating that well, her stomach made noise, decided we should take her in and get some bloodwork done. The results were devastating.....she has age related kidney disease! The doctor wasn't positive, but thought she might have a UTI and put her on an antibiotic and told us to change her food to kidney disease food. We did and she wouldn't eat it.  I was texting Jacob everyday about Maggie, he told me to cook her some brown rice with chix breast, she ate it, but threw it up during the night.  We were worried!
Marlee turned 11 on August 18, Maggie was very sick. On the 21st we took her back to the veterinarian, she saw Dr. Bruce, he gave her fluids and a nausea shot. She still wouldn't eat....I cooked her everything I could think of....she would just turn her head away. It was a very difficult time, she wouldn't eat, I would cry. and pray. I could hardly eat myself, I knew she was suffering, but we weren't ready to let her go.

Sunday, September 23, 2018


Our anniversary was Sunday, July 8, so we planned on celebrating Monday by going to Olive Garden for  lunch.

It had been a while since we have eaten at Olive......Yuma this was very good!
Afterwards we went to Sutton RV in Eugene and looked at 2018 Landmarks......we were just kicking a can, but of course, we fell in love with one.....the Madison. It has a large  front living room.

It has a nice kitchen with resdential refrigerator. 
The bathroom is  larger than ours, and we loved the seats in the shower.

Storage was a real problem, because the living room is in the front, you lose quite a bit of storage in the Underbelly. We were going home to measure! We liked it that much. 
On Tuesday, our second day off, we went to Camping World and Best Buy to look at new Garmins. We ate lunch at Sizzler, it was very good. We were surprised to find a Cabelas near the Sizzler.
On Wednesday we went to Cabelas and Kohls and I got Panda for lunch. Darrell bought me a pair of Zirconium earrings at Kohls.
Went back to work Thursday, two months and we will be done here. We are counting the days!
Happy to say it has finally warmed up here, in the 90's and if feels good.
We bought a Roku stick and started streaming with Direct TV Now, we enjoyed that a lot, because local TV is  not very good here, it keeps fading in and out.
On Sunday, after the Rangers, Christie and Teresa, walked through the campground, they brought me these sweet! The note says, "Found this in Site # 20, might have been left on purpose. Enjoy"

One of our campers here told us about Ken's Sidewalk Cafe in Canyonville. She says they have the best burgers, french fries and  fresh berry shakes. We decided to drive over and see for ourselves.

Our campers were right! It was delicious!! We drove to a small park in Canyonville and had lunch. Maggie and Marlee enjoyed their little outing!

Saturday, September 8, 2018


Bill and Penny are the volunteers who take care of the Park on our days off.  There are  seven couples living in the Park who do various volunteer jobs.



We weren't able to spend much time with the volunteers, because when we were off they were working and when they were off we were  working. One evening while Bill and Penny's grandchildren were visiting, we got together for a marshmellow roast.

Carl and Mary were leaving in July so they had us all over for scones and donuts one morning before we all went to work.

Before we went back to work and before Brian left for work, he's a Tugboat Captain, Donna and Brian  had us all over for Burgers.

We did a little decorating on the booth for the Fourth of July weekend.

It was a busy 4th of July weekend, we posted our "Campground Full" sign for the first time.

Mark retired July 6, but just as Mark promised, we were full every weekend for the rest of the summer.
Blackberries grow wild in Oregon, and the park is full of blackberry bushes, Everyone says they are delicious, they are in bloom now. You have to be very careful picking though, the Poison Oak is also everywhere in the park.

Friday, September 7, 2018


My friend, Sherry, lives in Tacoma, Washington, about a five hour drive from here, when I told her we would be here for the summer, she promised to visit....and she did!  She just got a new Cooper, Daisy,  and was anxious to get it out on the road. We played tourist in Cottage Grove, walked around the town and went into a few shops. We got a kick out of this sign with their hours listed, loved the "ish", wonder if that would work for the COE.

Cottage Grove has earned the title the "Covered Bridge Capital of the West". There are six beautiful covered bridges within a few minutes of downtown. We went to find them.....

All that bridge finding made us hungry.....we headed to Eugene to find a burger and beer. Sherry isn't much of a beer drinker, but she was willing to give it a  try.  Steelhead Brewery had the best burgers, beer and wild mushroom soup!!

The next day we visited the Cascades Raptor Center in Eugene, a raptor rehabilitation center and wildlife hospital in Eugene.  There are 50 permanent  inhabitants, it was interesting!

It was great to have some "girl time" with Sherry! We had a ball driving around in her mini Cooper! We would see other Coopers and call them Daisy's cousins.