Sunday, June 13, 2010


It was a cool, cloudy day for our fifth rummage sale of the year, but, we were warm and dry in our little Community Hall. A couple of other neighbors went in with us, and as you can see we still have alot of "stuff", and they did too, so we had a full community hall, we just didn't have many people. The Rapid City Journal was full of garage sales, and it was a slow day. I called one of our "good" customers, as she had asked, and she and her husband made our day!!  I sold some Black Hills Gold jewelry, Darrell sold some tools, my July 4 and Americana items did not go very well, which surprised me, but when we counted our money, it was the best sale yet! We made $452.60, which, we were very happy about!! The rain held off until we had everything back in the garage.  Already anticipating our next one, which I'm thinking will be July 24, if the hall is available, I already have a neighbor who wants to go in with us.

We had free coffee and homemade cookies (delicious) and all in all it was a fun day visiting with neighbors and customers!!

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