Thursday, July 29, 2010


On Saturday, July 24, we, along with some of our neighbors, had the first ever Golden Hills Drive
 Neighborhood  Rummage Sale. We were up at 4:30 putting out  signs and balloons, and then home to set up tables and get the stuff displayed on the tables. At 6:45 we had shoppers, and although we weren't completely set up, we had our first sale. We had alot of people come out for the sale, and we sold alot of "stuff". It was a perfect day, the only day all week that rain showers or storms weren't predicted!!


It was great having it outdoors, so much more room to display all the "stuff". We got to visit with alot of folks, and were able to sell alot of  outdoor summer items.

We rented the tables from the Community Hall and were able to display the "stuff" and spread things out.The shoppers were pretty steady all day long and even after the sale closed at 2:00 we still had folks coming. It was a huge success and at least  two of the neighbors said they would be willing to do it again. The neighborhood kids had set up a lemonade stand, so we treated ourselves to brownies, cookies, and tea for lunch....delicious.

We were surprised when we counted the proceeds, it was the best sale ever!! We made $543.00 in 6 hours, not a bad days work!!! We were a little disappointed that Darrell's tools didn't sell better, so I'm looking into doing a little something different with the tools.

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