Friday, October 7, 2011


On Friday, September 16, 2011, we moved out of the house and into Gustow. Darrell pulled the RV down to Happy Holiday Campground, across from Reptile Gardens, where we will be until the end of October. Bandit is still with us, so we made a special place for him. Everyone here is so friendly and nice, we got to visit with several Workampers, who were willing to share their stories.

After all the downsizing I've done, I realized in a hurry, I still have kept too much "stuff", so I  will spend the next six weeks, organizing and continue downsizing. Even though we bought a new fifth wheel, we have had several minor problems, and we are really glad we have this time to get all the "bugs" worked out before we go on the road. We were both exhausted after the stressful move, and were glad we had finally "arrived".

We love our spot here, it is very quiet with plenty of room to walk the dogs and a small park where we can play with the dogs. The laundromat is close and clean. We discovered pretty quickly what a comfortable, convenient fifth wheel we had bought. We love our King size bed!
The day before we moved out of the house, we went into Kahler Prudential and signed all the necessary paperwork for the house.

We still feel very  fortunate,with  the real estate market the way that it is that we were able to get our house sold in 37 days! 

We definitely felt like we got this accomplished through the Team Effort of Kahler Prudential, Jeremy and ourselves.
On Friday afternoon, Darrell drove into Kahler Prudential Realty and picked up our proceeds for the sale of our house, we wanted to hold the check in our hands, if only for a short time.

  FINALLY.....the fruits of all our labor!!!  All the planning, all the work, it had all paid off, right here in this check, this was our opportunity to go out and live the life we want to live, however crazy that might be to some people. I read something somewhere along the way that really hit home with me. It said something like, how lucky we were to have found  a way of  life we love,  now we have to find  the courage to live it. And that is exactly what I plan on doing!

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