Tuesday, March 29, 2011


On Saturday, March 26, we held our eleventh rummage sale since we began planning to become fulltime Rvers, the second for the year. We had it at the Rockerville Community Hall, where we've had quite a few other ones.  We weren't able to set up Friday evening  until 10:30, as there was another activity going on that evening. It was snowing while we were setting up, but we hoped by morning, the weather would improve.We didn't get to bed until 1:00 a.m. and up by 5:30. The snow had quit, but there were a couple inches on the ground, and it was foggy and cloudy. It looked pretty bleak!

Folks started arriving about 7:30, and we had a steady business until about 10. These were the "Die Hard" rummage sale folks, they kept saying how slippery the roads were and how poor the visibility was.

We were very grateful to the folks who did come out for the sale. Several of our neighbors came and bought "stuff". One neighbor bought all of Darrell's archery equipment, we sold some tools and some seasonal items.

We are still surprised when we set up that we still have this much "stuff". 

Granddaughter Kelsea came for the weekend and to help Grandma and Grandpa, and she was a big help  both with setting up the night before and the day of the sale. She loves to price "stuff " and make change. She also likes to count money.....maybe she'll be an accountant!

The weather never improved, and after 10 o'clock, we just had a few people, we were very surprised, though, when we counted the money, we had made $456.70, eleven dollars more than we had made a year ago and the weather was really nice. We packed up alot of "stuff" and made plans for our next one, which will be Saturday, April 9, and we are really hoping for a nice day!

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