Friday, April 15, 2011


On Saturday, April 9,2011, we had our 12th rummage sale, the third for the year. Rachelle and Donna went in with us and it was another huge success.  Keystone had their community wide sale that day, and although it wasn't that great a day for weather, we all did very well.

We had alot of people come through, at times the parking lot was full of cars and  there were traffic jams. We sold alot of "stuff", we had alot of our "regulars" and alot of new faces too. Rachelle brought quite a load out and was happy with what she was able to sell.

Donna brought a pickup load and she was able to sell a few big items. She was happy with what she was able to sell also, and took alot less "stuff" home.

We were still amazed after we set it up how much stuff we still have to sell, this being our 12th rummage sale in 2 1/2 years.

We all agreed the Rockerville Community Hall is a wonderful place to have rummage sales and the girls thought they would want to rent it themselves sometime. We took a lot less "stuff" home, which we were very happy about, our grand total sales was $685.00, which is the best one yet for us!! 

It was alot of work, but we met alot of nice people and it was fun spending the day with the girls, visiting, laughing and catching up. Our next one will be the first Saturday in May, which will be the community wide one. It will be fun, yummy  cinnamon rolls and lunch!  We have rented two tables, so we're hoping we sell alot of stuff. I'm already  deciding what we will take over, it will be Saturday, May 7, and it's always a fun time!. 

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