Monday, May 9, 2011


On May 7, 2011 the annual Rockerville Community Club rummage sale was held. We rented two tables, this was our 13th rummage sale since downsizing, the fourth for the year.

We loved our corner up on the stage, and we ended up with 3 tables plus a couple of card tables. We brought alot of "stuff" to sell, but unfortunately, we didn't have the usual crowd.  For once, our items weren't the"hot" items, Darrell brought alot of tools, building materials, and we had mostly women who weren't interested in the tools.

There were 12 vendors in all, and we all had ample space.There was a variety of merchandise, I sold quite a few extra dishes and glassware that I wanted  to find homes for. Sold a few pictures, was not able to find homes for my seasonal boxes of " stuff", which I was so hoping to rid of. 

Our total sales were $118.50, which is the least we have ever done out of the 13 sales, which was a disappointment, but let me tell you, the food made up for it. The Rockerville Community Club members served  caramel rolls and coffee for breakfast and bar-b-ques and hot dogs for lunch, and dessert was any pie you can imagine....and it was so delicious. The food made up for the small crowd, and of course, I had to sample everything......not so good for the diet, but boy was it fun!

The sale ended at 2:00, and there was still a little of the day left after packing it all up and putting it away. After getting home and reading the paper we understood why we had such a small crowd, the paper was full of rummage sales, they had no need to drive the 12 miles, but the Community Hall was able to raise around $300.00 for the upkeep and repair of the Community Hall, which is a good thing. And did I mention the food was so Yummy!!!

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